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Enrolling & Making Changes

Enrolling in SLB Flex gives you the opportunity to build your benefits, your way – and that’s whether you’re new to SLB, it's annual enrollment or if you’re making changes in response to a life event. No matter what, you’re in the driver’s seat – no one knows your needs better than you.

SLB Flex allows you to select the coverage you need most and make the most of your flex dollars by declining coverage you don’t need. Remember, excess flex dollars go towards a personal or health spending account or your RRSP if it’s during annual enrollment – more funds for your everyday needs!

Click on the sections below for more information.
Before you go online to enroll, be sure you understand your choices and review other coverage you may have access to. Take a look at last year’s claims and any out-of-pocket medical and dental expenses you may have had. Consider any future up and coming expenses.

To log on, visit My Benefits Portal.

Once your window for enrollment closes, the next opportunity to make changes will be at your next annual enrollment. You’ll be able to choose new coverage for the next plan year at that time. You also can change your coverage any time you experience a life event (e.g., get married or have a baby).

If you don't enroll yourself and listed dependents will receive default coverage. Which is option 1 for Extended Health Care, Dental Care and LTD. You will have lots of excess flex dollars and they will all be directed to your Personal Spending Account. If this is your first enrollment your dependents will not have coverage.

The main page of the My Benefits Portal will greet you by your name. You will see a link called “Enroll Now!” that allows you to begin your enrollment. Please click on this link and then simply follow the instructions on the website to complete your enrollment in SLB Flex.

If you have enrolled in SLB Flex before, when you go online, the My Benefits Portal will show you your current coverage and your dependents (if any) who will be covered. If it’s your first time enrolling, you will need to add any dependents you want covered. You will see the SLB Flex default coverage with the corresponding flex dollars, prices and payroll deductions. If you change your coverage, the amounts will change accordingly. And if you do not enroll by your deadline, you will be enrolled in the default coverage automatically.

Please remember to print, complete and return forms (If prompted)

  • Beneficiary Designation Form
  • Evidence of Insurability Form

Mail completed and signed forms to the address on each form.


Your spouse is defined as a person to whom you are married or within any other formal union recognized by law. A partner is someone who is living with and has been living with you in a conjugal relationship for six consecutive months.


A dependent child is your natural, adopted or step-child who is entirely dependent on you for maintenance and support and who is:

  • Under 21 years of age; or
  • Under 25 years of age and attending a college or university full-time; or
  • Physically or mentally disabled and incapable of self-support; and
  • Not married or in a formal union recognized by law.

If a dependent child becomes disabled, you must submit proof of the child’s disability to Sun Life within 31 days of the disability and notify the SLB Canada Benefits Centre. The definition of disabled for purposes of the Extended Health and Dental Care plans is as follows:

  • The child is incapable of self-sustaining employment because of mental or physical handicap.
  • The child became disabled prior to reaching age 21.
  • The child is chiefly dependent on the participant for support and maintenance.

Student Children

A child who is a full-time student under age 25 is considered an eligible dependent as long as the child is enrolled full-time in a college or university, dependent on you for financial support and does not have a spouse/partner. To maintain coverage, you will be required to re-validate that your child still meets these criteria on an annual basis. A request to revalidate coverage will be sent to your preferred email in the summer months. Failure to respond will result in the cessation of coverage for your child. Coverage can be reinstated by contacting the SLB Canada Benefits Centre at 1-866-557-5222, Monday to Friday: 6:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Mountain Time).

Please review your beneficiary designations and update this information as needed. If you change your beneficiaries online, you must print, sign and mail the form to the address shown. Your new beneficiary information will not be valid until the form has been received.

Print, Complete and Return Forms (If Prompted)

Some forms require an original signature:

  • Beneficiary Designation Form
  • Evidence of Insurability Form

If prompted, print and complete one or both of these forms, sign them and mail them to the address on each form.

The choices you make during enrollment will be in effect from your start date until the end of the year. You can make changes for the new benefits year (starting January 1) at our next annual enrollment period. If you are hired after the annual enrollment period, you will first enroll for the current year’s benefits and will then immediately be prompted to enroll for the following year.
SLB Flex is designed to let you make changes as the needs of you and your family change. Outside of Annual Enrollment Employees can adjust their coverage if they have an eligible Life Event.

Changing Your Choices as a Result of an Eligible Life Event

During the year, you may enroll and/or change your options if one of the following events occurs: 

  • Marriage, civil union (Quebec) or a common-law relationship of six months or more;
  • Divorce, separation or end of a common-law relationship;
  • Addition of an eligible dependent child;
  • Loss of a child’s status as a dependent (marriage, age limit, leaves school, etc.);
  • Your spouse/partner gains or loses benefits coverage; or
  • Death of a spouse/partner or child.
You are responsible for visiting the My Benefits Portal website to update your dependents and coverage within 30 days of the event; otherwise, you must wait until the next annual enrollment or another life event.

Your new coverage and any payroll deductions will be retroactive to the date of the event.


Life Events and Unused Flex Dollars

If you change your coverage during the year and you originally had unused flex dollars, there may be a temporary adjustment to your payroll deductions for the balance of the year. At the next annual enrollment, you can adjust how you spend your unused flex dollars.

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