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Depression Care/Trauma Assist

SLB provides employees and dependent family members with access to additional support for depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress through TELUS Health. These programs are designed to provide skills for coping and improve individual resilience.

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If you or someone in your family are experiencing the signs of depression or anxiety, let TELUS Health help. Depression Care is a confidential service and provides specialized care (beyond what is offered within the EAP) for employees and their dependent family members struggling with depression and/or anxiety. Depression care is available through self-referral. Please contact TELUS Health directly by phone, web or mobile app. Call TELUS Health at 1-844-880-9142.

Trauma Assist is designed to help individuals affected by post-traumatic stress by providing confidential access to specialized care to treat and build resiliency through a network of services and resources. This program is focused on early intervention, and individuals who need a diagnosis for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or have a severe case that will be referred out to the appropriate resource. This service is available through TELUS Health by referral and can be accessed by contacting your local HR or Benefits Team.

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