Total Health Index

The Total Health Index (THI) is a great way to understand how your lifestyle affects your wellness and how even small changes can improve your well-being. This isn’t a one-time thing; you can retake the assessment as your behaviours change. Your THI is your confidential personal wellness record, tracking your progress and successes. Also, the THI is managed by Morneau Shepell, the people who operate our employee and family assistance program, which means SLB will never see your individual results.

Ready to understand your health risks?
  1. Go to Total Health Index website
  2. If it’s your first time, you will need to:
    1. Enter your email address;
    2. Create a profile that includes your name, gender, age, location, language and password.
    3. Complete the questionnaire and check out some of the suggested resources for help in addressing your health risks.
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